Teenager Arrested After French Bulldogs Robbed at Gunpoint



Police have arrested a 15-year-old boy on suspicion of stealing two French Bulldogs in an armed robbery in Downtown Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Police Department announced.

The robbery occurred on Nov. 12 in the early hours of the morning, reported NBC Los Angeles. on the Sixth Street Viaduct which connects Downtown Los Angeles with the Boyle Heights neighborhood, according to police.

The two victims told police that they were walking their dogs, Rhino and Blue, when two males approached them. One of them had a handgun. Per the LAPD, the suspects stole the dogs and left in a dark-colored 2010 to 2013 Nissan.

One Suspect Charged

On Nov. 16, police arrested the 15-year-old boy – who can’t be named due to his age. Two days later, the District Attorney’s Office charged him with two counts of armed robbery. It’s unclear if police are seeking a second suspect at this time. However, the two French Bulldogs have not yet been recovered.

Rhino’s owner is offering a reward for the return of the canines, and is posting updates on Instagram at @bringrhinohome. Rhino’s owner can be contacted at [email protected].

One day ago (Nov. 22) Rhino’s dog parent posted to Instagram that the dogs are thought to have last been sighted in the South Central neighborhood of Los Angeles. They describe the pup as being male, tan, 22-24 lbs, and four years old, with an “incredibly sweet and gentle disposition”.

Still Looking for Information

Meanwhile, anybody with information is encouraged to contact Hollenbeck Gang Detectives at 323-342-8956. Anonymous tips can be called into Crime Stoppers at 800-222-8477 or sent through online at lacrimestoppers.org.

Dog theft is unfortunately becoming more prevalent. Recently, a spokesperson for nonprofit AKC Reunite, which helps reunite dogs with parents, said that the number of pets reported stolen to them is rising by 30% every year.

正文:警方逮捕了一名15岁男孩,涉嫌在洛杉矶市中心持枪抢劫两只法国斗牛犬,洛杉矶警察局宣布。抢劫发生在11月12日的清晨,据NBC洛杉矶报道。根据警方的说法,抢劫发生在将洛杉矶市中心与博伊尔高地社区连接起来的第六街高架桥上。两名受害者告诉警方,当时有两名男子走向他们。其中一人持有手枪。据洛杉矶警察局称,嫌疑人偷走了狗,并乘坐一辆深色2010至2013年款尼桑逃离现场。11月16日,警方逮捕了这名15岁男孩,因为他未成年,他的姓名无法透露。两天后,地方检察官办公室对他提起了两项持枪抢劫的指控。目前尚不清楚警方是否正在寻找第二名嫌疑人。然而,这两只法国斗牛犬尚未被找回。犬主Rhino正在提供回报以寻回犬只,并在Instagram上@bringrhinohome发布更新。Rhino的犬主可以通过[email protected]联系。一天前(11月22日),Rhino的犬主在Instagram上发布消息称,这些狗据悉最后一次被发现是在洛杉矶南部地区。他们描述这只小狗为雄性,棕色,体重22-24磅,年龄四岁,性格“非常甜蜜和温和”。与此同时,任何有信息的人都被鼓励与Hollenbeck帮派侦探联系,电话号码为323-342-8956。匿名举报可以打到犯罪阻止器电话800-222-8477,也可以通过网站lacrimestoppers.org发送。不幸的是,狗偷盗事件变得越来越普遍。最近,一位非营利组织AKC Reunite的发言人称,向他们报告被盗宠物的数量每年上升30%。
