
- 图片:空
- 描述:空

- 标题:狗、啤酒和音乐:巴克托伯菲斯特重返密歇根

Temperatures are starting to dip and the leaves are just beginning to change. Yes, fall is just around the corner, and with it comes a celebration of the change in seasons. Over the weekend, the city of Royal Oak, Michigan hosted one of its most popular autumnal festivals: Barktoberfest.

“We usually get between 3,000 to 5,000 people,” explained Shelly Kemp, executive director of the Royal Oak Chamber of Commerce, before the event. “It’s beer, music, and dogs.”

A Long-Awaited Return

Hosted by the Royal Oak Chamber of Commerce, Barktoberfest is now in its sixth year. According to their website, Barktoberfest is “centered around dogs and their parents, featuring locally-brewed beers and live music.” Unfortunately, the event was canceled for two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, the event has returned for 2022 and received record turnouts.

The weekend featured a long list of local breweries and vendors selling everything from homebrewing supplies to bottle cap art. Meanwhile, a central stage featured 8 hours of live music on both Friday and Saturday.

But it wouldn’t be Barktoberfest without the dog-centric events people came for. Contests for pups of all ages and sizes filled the festival to the brim. Dog parents registered their canine companions in costume contests, best trick competitions, wiener dog races, and even a puppy dash!

For the first time this year, dogs could attend a dance club foam party. And for the overactive pups, the festival included a lure course with handkerchiefs on pulleys.

All for a Good Cause

However, Barktoberfest is not just fun and games.  Dogs and beer may go hand-in-paw, but the weekend was also an opportunity for local rescue shelters to come out and talk to the community about adoption, fostering, as well as volunteer opportunities.

On top of that, a portion of the proceeds from the event went towards supporting two local animal advocacy groups: Oliver’s Foundation and the Detroit Dog Rescue.

- 段落1:气温开始下降,树叶刚开始变色。是的,秋天就在眼前,随之而来的是对季节变化的庆祝。在周末,密歇根州的皇家橡树市举办了其最受欢迎的秋季节日之一:巴克托伯菲斯特。
- 段落2:“我们通常会吸引3,000至5,000人,”皇家橡树市商会执行董事雪莉·肯普在活动前解释道。“有啤酒、音乐和狗。”
- 小标题1:期待已久的重返
- 段落3:由皇家橡树市商会主办,巴克托伯菲斯特现已进入第六年。根据他们的网站,巴克托伯菲斯特“以狗和他们的主人为中心,以本地酿造的啤酒和现场音乐为特色。”不幸的是,由于COVID-19大流行,该活动已取消两年。现在,该活动已于2022年回归,并获得了记录的人数。
- 段落4:周末展示了一长串的本地酿酒厂和供应商,销售从家庭酿造用品到瓶盖艺术的一切。同时,一个中央舞台上星期五和星期六都有8小时的现场音乐表演。
- 段落5:但如果没有人们前来参加以狗为中心的活动,那就不会是巴克托伯菲斯特了。各种年龄和大小的小狗比赛充满了整个节日。狗父母们为他们的狗狗报名参加了服装比赛、最佳技巧比赛、维纳狗比赛,甚至是小狗赛跑!
- 段落6:今年首次,狗狗们可以参加舞厅泡沫派对。对于活跃的狗狗们,节日还包括一个带有手帕吊绳的诱饵赛道。
- 小标题2:一切都是为了一个好目的
- 段落7:然而,巴克托伯菲斯特不仅仅是娱乐和游戏。狗和啤酒可能是紧密相连的,但这个周末也是当地收容所与社区谈论领养、寄养以及志愿机会的机会。
- 段落8:此外,该活动的部分收益将用于支持两个当地的动物倡导团体:奥利弗基金会和底特律狗救援。
