I have a dog who is almost 3 years but I was told she don’t have vaccinations how many does she need to be up to day



There are a variety of vaccines that are considered core vaccines (and some others that may be necessary depending on where you live and if Haley will be spending time at a boarding kennel or around other dogs).

Core vaccines include the Rabies vaccine and Distemper/parvovirus vaccines. Depending on where you live Haley may also need a Lepto vaccine or Lyme vaccine. Finally, if she will be around other dogs frequently (like at a boarding kennel or groomers) she may need her Bordetella and Influenza vaccine.

The best thing to do would be to have Haley checked out by a veterinarian. That way they can discuss the risk factors in your area and recommend the appropriate vaccines. At bare minimum Haley needs her Rabies and distemper/parvo vaccines.

Thanks for using PetCoach and good luck with Haley!
