Hello, Our dog is a 3 year old Chihuahua/Beatle mix and is usually very energetic and playful. The last 2 days he has been sluggish and there is a spot on his lower back that he will.mot let us pet. Even the slightest tough and he yelps. Should we take him in? He has not had any falls or anything like that. We took him to a pet back location a few days ago. Usually he doesn’t have any interaction with other dogs.



It does sound suspicious that Gunner hurt his back. He could have pulled a back muscle or even slipped a disc. He also sounds like he is in a fair amount of pain. I would take Gunner in to see the vet tomorrow for pain medication and an exam. The doctor may recommend to do an x-ray to look at his back. Make sure to keep Gunner's activity level very restricted. The more he moves, the longer it will take to heal. I hope this helps!
