Hello, i have a question regarding my pet. I noticed that he have a small patch of redness like a rash or something in his back while I was showering him and only one, and I’m afraid that it is a fungus infection or something, my previous pet had one and i used the sulfur dip for it and it healed, if it’s what I’m afraid of should I use the dip for him, because i have another cat and don’t want her to get infected, i think he got it from his last grooming in the vet about one mother and half.



Hello, sorry to hear about Leo. I would recommend having the area sampled by your veterinarian to determine if there is evidence of bacteria vs ringworm (fungus). Other less likely causes such as mites would also be ruled out. This would determine what the best therapy is for Leo. Most of the time local clotrimazole ointment may be sufficient without having to do a sulfur dip. Therefore, have Leo evaluated before giving him any sulfur dips. If the area gets bigger or if he develops other areas of hair loss with red skin then he should be evaluated sooner. In the mean time, make sure your other cat does not share any blankets, bedding, or clothing with Leo and wash all of Leo's things on a daily basis to prevent spread of infection. Make sure you are washing your hands thoroughly after handling Leo as well. Hope this helps and best of luck.
