What does it mean when my kitten doesn’t eat her food but scratches around the plate? She ate this morning but this afternoon I changed her food to a different flavor but the same brand because I ran out of the other flavor. I tried giving her some dry food and even a treat and she won’t eat them. She seems normal. She even played and was quite hyper. She has been sleeping a lot and her poo was just a little bit softer than usual today. She was treated for worms a few days ago.



Matilda may have a mildly upset stomach or she may just not like the flavor of the new food. You can try offering it to her once more but if she doesn't want to eat it I think you'll need to purchase the original flavor. You can also try offering her a bland meal of boiled chicken and sweet potato or rice to see if this encourages her to eat.

If she is still not willing to eat, then you may need to have her examined by a veterinarian as she may need medication to settle her stomach.

Thanks for using PetCoach and I hope the issue resolves quickly for Matilda!
