My dog has little bumps and the skin is a little crusty and wherever she has the bumps hair comes out in chunks. It kind of smells and she may have pus or something. I’m not sure why this is happening. She’s not a big outdoors dog but we recently bred her in late November and the breeder had her on a farm for a few days. I’m not sure what to do my vet said it looked like hives but I don’t think hives make her lose fur.



It looks and sounds like she may have a skin infection. This infection could be bacterial or fungal. I would ask your veterinarian for a follow up appointment to look again. She may need a medicated shampo. I would use one with antibacterial and antifungal properties and consider oral antibiotics. Your veterinarian may also want to do a skin scrape to look for any mites. Best of luck and I hope she improves soon. Thank you for using Pet Coach.
