Shrimp & his sister, Grits, received their last FVRCP & Leukemia vacc yesterday for this year. They also received their 1st rabies shot. After returning home, Grits was acting fine & her behavior was normal. However, Shrimp was just the opposite. He was hiding, not wanting to play, eat, drink, etc. When I picked him up he screamed as if he was in pain so I left him alone. This morning his behavior has not changed & he will not interact w/ me or Grits. Is this normal & should I take him to a vet?



Hello, thank you for using PetCoach. Yes, I would definitely contact your veterinarian about a possible vaccine reaction. It may not be anything serious, but with a holiday weekend coming up, I would not wait & hope for the best. Hope Shrimp is feeling better soon.
