I havejust lost a cat to feline leukemia virus. His brother tested negative. How soon can I introduce a new kitten to this environment?



Hi and thanks for using PetCoach! Sorry to hear about Stoffel. So I would not introduce a new kitten right now and here is why. Stoffel's first test may have been negative but it could have been early in the infection and the first test didn't pick it up. So I would advise just like the American Association of Feline Practitioners, retesting Stoffel in 60 days. If that test is negative then I would go ahead and consider getting a new kitten then. Make sure that kitten has tested negative at least twice 60 days apart and the kitten has not been in a high-risk environment where a Feline Leukemia virus exposure was possible or the kitten was allowed to be outside. If the kitten has one negative test it is advised that the kitten is quarantined away from Stoffel for 60 days until another test can be performed. I will copy and paste the practice guidelines from the Association here and give you the link to their website.

Testing for FeLV and FIV
All cats should be tested at appropriate intervals based on risk assessment.
Test new cats entering a household or group housing as in shelter or cattery settings. Test again at least 60 days later, limiting exposure to other cats if possible during that time.


Good luck with Stoffel and the new kitten. Happy holidays
