She hasn’t tried getting sick for about an hour&She seems fine other wise, (Playing, drinking water being active ext) she even ate some. My question is(asked this lastnight)I found a string like the one in the pic lastnight, i cant be sure she didnt swallow it when i set it down or if i absentmidedly threw it away (i saw it one min looked for it again&it was gone) It was about 3 1/2 in long. Whats the chances it gets stuck? Im without transport to a vet for the weekend When would signs show?…



There is no way to know exactly when the signs may start showing up. It could pass but it could also get stuck. The main things you want to watch for is lethargy, not eating, and/or vomiting. If these things are noticed, then I would try to find a way to see your vet. Your vet will be able to do some X-rays to see if there are any suspicious areas of obstruction. If she will eat canned food, this may help to bulk up her stool and help her pass it. Watch her closely! I hope this helps!
