Help ! My dogs foot has a blister or something from the winter salt and keeps licking and biting it I’m soaking it in Epson salt to help but don’t know what else to do and can’t afford a vet



Ouch, poor Bear! The red, inflamed swelling between his paw pads could be due to foreign material lodged under the skin, skin infection, or autoimmune condition. Since this lesion has not improved with Epsom salt soaks alone, it seems unlikely that this is directly related to salt irritation. Regardless of the underlying condition, my concern is that Bear has an infection in that area due to the redness and swelling, which would require a course of prescription antibiotics. You can try soaking his foot in an antiseptic solution, such as diluted betadine or chlorhexidine, but Bear really should go to the vet. I understand your financial concerns, but fortunately, there are many resources available to help.
• Care Credit ( ) is a healthcare credit card accepted by many veterinarians.
• Red Rover ( ) provides some grants for pets experiencing urgent medical problems and for families experiencing domestic violence.
• The Humane Society ( ) has a fairly comprehensive list of other non-profit organizations able to provide financial assistance for veterinary care, organized by state.
• The Pet Fund ( ) is a non-profit organization that provides financial assistance for some veterinary care.

If Bear is licking or chewing at his foot, be sure to put an e-collar (cone) on him until you can get to the vet to prevent the lesion from worsening. I hope this helps and that all goes well!
