I had my 4 month old kitten adopted on Friday. His surgery for spaying was on thursday 12/18th . For four days after he ate absolutely nothing. Only drank water. And many odd symptoms are showing. He throws up so randomly. He has diarrhea almost everyday. He looks weak and a bit wobbly even though it’s been eight days. He drinks plenty of water so thats good. But i got special foods for his digestive system. I haven’t seen any progress yet since it has been a day. has a bit cold paws and ears



I'm sorry to hear Zeko is so sick. These signs are not expected post-op and they are not normal. I would recommend to take him in to see a vet. Depending on how large your shelter is, they may have a doctor on staff to see these pets so call them but otherwise take him to see your regular doctor. Don't wait til after the holidays. Take him in either tonight or tomorrow asap. Best of luck with the little guy!
