Lily was bred on 10/20/17. We are on day 64. She exxpelled her mucus plug on 12/15. She has been exibiting the normal signs of “almost being” ready to deliver (pacing, not eating, sleeping, nesting) and has for 4 days now. Do I need to do something to move the process along? She is not in distress, I’m just concerned about the mucus plug being so long ago and no labor….do I need to contact a vet to get pitocin? or just wait it out?



I would definitely contact your vet. She may need to be seen to ensure these puppies are still viable. He will be able to do this if he has an ultrasound in the office. Your vet will likely want to do an exam on her to ensure she looks okay as well. Depending on how everyone looks, your vet may give her something to help with the contractions or they may recommend a c-section. I hope this helps and that her and the puppies are all okay!
