Wondering why he has a bald spot on his hind leg



It is hard to say for sure based on this photo, but random bald patches of hair with no lesion on the actual skin typically is caused by excessive grooming in cats. It is difficult to tell from this photo if there is actual redness of the skin itself or any lesions on the skin at all.

And since Dart is so young my top suspicion is that Dart may have a flea allergy or had some sort of trauma to the skin initially and he is now licking the area excessively, causing the hair to fall out. I would check him for fleas first and even if you don't find them, its best to get him on a monthly flea preventative (i.e. Revolution, Comfortis), especially if he goes outside, there are ways fleas can enter the home, or you have other pets that go outside. If there are skin lesions (redness, scabbing, crusting, etc), then its possible he has a ringworm infection or bacterial infection. If that is the case, then its best to take him to your local vet for an evaluation of the skin up close and possible skin testing to determine the cause. If the skin is infected then prescription medicine will be needed to clear things up and this in turn should help the hair regrow.
I hope this helps. Best of luck getting to the bottom of Darts hair loss. Best wishes and take care.
