I need to know what is wrong with my dog. The roads are currently bad and so is the weather. I’m afraid she is very sick and I need to take her to a vet but I can’t. I noticed something was wrong yesterday but now I really payed attention to the problem. She is very thin and weak and not eating. The other day she threw up yellow vomit and is laying down or sleeping all day. Barely walking. I didn’t notice these symptoms sooner because I have been so busy and she also had pups 2 months ago.



It sounds as Coco is suffering from a gastrointestinal condition, possibly an infection. it could also be due to ingestion of a foreign body material. i would recommend taking her to the vet the first chance you get, she will need to be checked first, if the vet thinks it's a simple gastrointestinal infection she will need an anti vomiting injection, antibiotics and a special food for a few days in order to get better. if the vet thinks it is more serious she will need a blood test and possibly an ultrasound in order to find out what is wrong.
