My two dogs (one about 50# and one about 65# ate some grapes. I don’t know how much total is missing yet – I’m trying to find a food scale that is working. I gave both dogs hydrogen peroxide right away. The lighter dog got 5 tsp. hydrogen peroxide and the heavier dog 6. The lighter dog threw up right away. Looks like 2-3 grapes. She threw up a couple more times and all that came up was some food eaten earlier and a little grass. The larger dog still hasn’t thrown up. Gave her 1 add’l tsp



Hello there and thank you for using PetCoach to address your concern. You did the right thing by administering hydrogen peroxide. If the other dog does not manage to vomit anything up, then the larger dog may not have eaten any grapes or they just haven't come up yet. I always recommend walking the dog or shaking the stomach to mix the peroxide a bit and wait 15-20 minutes to see if that works. Regardless of how many grapes were thrown up, because you do not know how many in total were eaten, you should err on the side of caution and have them both examined by a veterinarian and have their blood tested to establish a baseline and monitor their blood levels over the next 3-5 days to ensure kidney damage does not ensue. I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns and I would be more than happy to help you further.
