We bathed a stray about 3 month old puppy. She has raised pimple looking bumps on her belly. They are a little red with no head on the pimples. Doesn’t seem to be in pain.



Good for you for helping Punky out! The red pimple-like lesions on her belly look most consistent with a bacterial skin infection, which occurs most commonly due to self-trauma as dogs lick and/or scratch at themselves. Other possible reasons that she may have these lesions include contact irritation, excessive insect or spider bites, among others. At this point, your best bet is to take Punky to a vet for an exam and testing of her skin to get to the bottom of this situation. From there, her vet will be able to prescribe any necessary medications, such as antibiotics if indicated. Until you can get to the vet, you can try bathing her in an antimicrobial shampoo (here is one example: drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=27981 ) and keep an e-collar (cone) on her to prevent further licking or chewing, as this could make matters worse. I hope this helps and that all goes well for Punky!
