HI PetCoach. We recently heard of a Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy litter whose puppies began to die about 1.5 weeks after birth. The breeder took them to the vet three times and they couldn’t find any problems other than the mother lacked milk. What are the long-term health concerns we should consider before bringing one of the puppies home (at 8 weeks of age, so about 6 weeks from now)? Thank you!



Newborn puppies are very fragile, and require plenty of milk to survive. If they don't get enough to eat, they will die. If the mother didn't have enough milk, that may be why those puppies died, and if this puppy survives, there shouldn't be any long term concerns from this specific situation. You can ask the breeder to have this puppy checked out by a vet closer to when you want to take it home to make sure it's ok health wise. Best of luck.
