My 10 yr old maltese has chf. Shes having difficulty going to the bathroom. She is passing gas and gets nervous after she does and then all of a sudden while passing gas it will be loud and she’ll go diarrehea. It squirts out. I know she is uncomfortable and wants to go because she sits up and cant get comfortable. Any reccomendations?



Poor Lola! It sounds like she is uncomfortable and I recommend to have her examined by her veterinarian. Pets can have diarrhea due to many causes. The doctor will likely run some stool test to look for bacterial overgrowth or parasites and then will recommend treatment. Pets with congestive heart failure are often on medications to drain excess fluid, diarrhea makes pets lose excessive fluid and the combination can result in dehydration quickly. It’s always best to play it safe so have her seen today if possible. I hope she starts feeling better quickly and please feel free to post any additional questions.
