Last month we found a puppy on the street with a broken leg. We took her in, had 2 amazing weeks with her, playing, recovering, eating and being loved. In the space of 36 hours she showed symptoms of rabies, and passed away at the vets last night. Suddenly. The vet said she displayed furious rabies. I want to know for closure, did she suffer in the final parts of the disease? If she already had the disease, would a rabies vaccination have helped? Was she born with it? She was 4 months, 5kg.



I'm so sorry for your loss of this puppy. Suffering is difficult to define - rabies is not typically painful and in the final stages of disease animals usually lose consciousness. It sounds like things progressed quickly for her so I doubt she experienced much pain or suffering. Once the disease has been contracted there is no treatment - a rabies vaccine would not have helped. I believe there have been a few reports of transplacental transmission of rabies in wild mammals but not in dogs to my knowledge, so it more likely was something she contracted after birth.
