My dogs are both hounds and today they killed a gopher. They are both 3ish and this is the first animal they killed. At first they just cornered it and were barking a bunch, so I went down to try to get them inside. My presence spooked the gopher who tried to flee, inspiring the dogs to regroup on it, causing it to snap at them, triggering them to pick it up and violently shake it. No skin was broken. Should I now be worried about them and other small animals? Our neighbors have outdoor cats.



Unfortunately there is a chance that your dogs will chase and kill cats. Once a dog gets the idea that hunting is fun, he will do it again, especially if a pack is involved (2 dogs are a pack). There also is a chance that they will go after rabbits or any animal running away from them and seeing that you live right at a forest there will be animals getting into your garden. I would only let them out under supervision so that you can go after your dogs should they try to hunt your neighbor's cats.
