Rocket was eating left over mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables everything was soft was also leaking oil Ball but examine the foil and didn’t seem to be in pieces missing or chewed off 07 he stopped eating and started hacking or sneezing like something was stuck in his throat since then he hasn’t eaten anything or drinking anything all day until now I try to feed him and when he went to eat he started to hack it up again like he’s choking all day long what do I do



Hi there. I'm not sure how Rocket's current symptoms (not eating, coughing or vomiting, etc.) would be related to eating some mashed potatoes and vegetables a few days ago, so this may be a completely separate issue.

It's hard to say what might be causing these things without being able to examine him and run some tests, but it definitely sounds like something is wrong - so I would recommend getting him in to see a vet as soon as possible. He/she can do a complete exam of his mouth and throat under sedation, and may also recommend blood work or x-rays if needed to help determine what's wrong.
