Oh, gosh. Just rescued a kitten tonight – 270 gm but eyes open and dark and wobbly walking. Gave it some adult cat food, canned, b/c that is what we had. Then went and got some kitten milk and fed about 8 ml 4 hours ago and just now. Stimulated anal area with wet paper towel; it came away yellow several times. Found several wet spots on a blanket it was on. Wondering how much more to give it? It’s crying intermittently.



It looks like you are doing a great job so far! A kitten this size will need some milk, but it's also good to feed the wet kitten food as directed by the manufacturer (usually this is on the box, can or website). For now, I recommend feeding only a tablespoon of the wet food no more than four times a day. Otherwise, she can overeat, which will lead to some nasty diarrhea and vomiting.

The crying doesn't necessarily mean that she is hungry, so I wouldn't feel too bad about not feeding her constantly. Kittens often cry when in a new environment and separated from mom. This should subside within a day or so.

Gauging by the pics and weight, this kitten is about 3-5 weeks old. For more information about caring for this kitten I recommend following the directions given at the following website: animalalliancenyc.org/wordpress/2013/05/what-to-do-and-not-do-if-you-find-a-newborn-kitten/

You are doing a good job already, so keep it up and make sure to take her in for her first vet visit when she is about 6-8 weeks old.
