10 week old kitten was diagnosed with conjunctivitis in right eye due to URI from Herpes strain. He has been on eyedrops and lysine for over a week. Today the other eye started secreting similar yellowish puss. The right eye has not improved much. Today we have given the kitten 4 eye drops in both eyes now throughout the day. In addition we have been giving him Erythromycin an antibiotic for his eye twice a day for the past 3 days. Is this normal? Should it be spreading to the other eye?



I am sorry to hear about your kitten! Unfortunately it is not unusual for the conjunctivitis to eventually affect both eyes. You can read more about this condition at veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=19239&id=4951824 . Sometimes if the kittens are not improving on the current medications we may need to add stronger drugs, such as antivirals. If you are not seeing improvement and it is worsening/spreading I would recommend contacting your veterinarian.
