We last took her to the vets on 8th October as she had what looked like a panic attack with laboured breathing and coughing. They ran full blood test which all came back normal and did a heart scan which showed a heart murmur but no other form of heart failure. They also tested her urine which came back normal. She’s not coughing anymore and she is eating, drinking and moving about fine but now ever single time she starts purring she starts normally but then her breathing becomes laboured,



Hi, thanks for using PetCoach! Poor Akasha!

I am wondering if she had an asthma attack. The most common cause of coughing in a cat is feline asthma which can be caused by feline heart worm, parasites, inhaled allergens. I recommend dustless litter, no perfumes/colognes, no scented candles or carpet fresh and no smoking in the house. Asthma is diagnosed on X-rays of the chest, based on a classic lung pattern. Definitive diagnosis is based off an endotracheal wash.

Treatment consists of an anti-inflammatory (steroids), though we have to use steroids with caution on cats with heart murmurs, and bronchodilators. They actually make an inhaler mask (aerokat) to attach inhalers to. I would discuss asthma with your Vet.

I hope this helps and I wish Akasha the best!
