My 8 year old dog hasn’t been eating much only chicken we’ve been cooking for her but has been drinking a lot of water we were at the vet and she did blood work and said it was fine except for a high count of white blood cells. And said it probably a uti and she is on antibiotics but the dogs has been on then for several days and doesnt seem to be getting any better. She’s otherwise seems fine she runs and plays and barks at passing cars outside.



Hello, thank you for your question about Sadie.

Increased thirst can be a sign of many underlying problems (diabetes, high calcium, etc) but many of these things can be ruled out based on systemic bloodwork. A high white blood cell count could be consistent with a UTI but also could be a sign of infection/inflammation elsewhere in the body. Did your vet perform a urinalysis to confirm the suspicion of a UTI? Did they send out a urine culture to ensure that she is on an appropriate antibiotic?

If these tests were done and confirmed a UTI it is possible that it is a more severe infection and it is taking the antibiotics longer to have full effect. Since she is otherwise acting ok I would recommend continuing to monitor her for improvement. If these steps were not performed and Sadie's symptoms do not resolve on the current treatments I would recommend making a recheck appointment to consider these additional diagnostic tests.

Hope this helps, good luck!
