After my puppy woke from a nap this afternoon, his stomach was thumping like a huge heart was beating inside him (best I can describe) every 2-3 seconds and then stopped. It’s happened befor and it’s scaring me thinking it’s a heart problem or something. He’s acting normal. What is that thumping?? His whole body moves



Although I can't tell you for sure, one thing that it could be is as simple as hiccups. Puppies are notorious for getting hiccups on a regular basis. That could explain his abdomen puffing out every 2-3 seconds and his whole body moving, then it completely stops and he's normal. Of course, I would be sure to have your veterinarian examine him at his next puppy visit and tell them about the episodes to see if they have any other suggestions.
Good luck! I hope that was helpful. Thanks for using PetCoach.
