My 1.5 year old German shepherd has a lip discoloration. Is this normal or does she have an infection ? She isn’t acting really any different and doesn’t seem to have any other observable symptoms other than the discoloration, which is on both sides of her mouth.



I presume the area you are talking about is the area on the lower lip just behind the canine tooth where it is a splotchy pink color. That area is where the upper canine rubs when Shelby's mouth is closed, so the tissue in that area tends to get a little thicker for protection. Sometimes those changes can also result in some color changes. Since it is the same on both sides, I suspect it is normal. If either side looks different or seems to be irritated, I would certainly have your veterinarian examine her, but this picture looks normal. Please let me know if that is not the area you were talking about!
I hope that was helpful. Thanks for using PetCoach.
