My cat is 1 year and 4 months old. She has been vomiting a few times a day on and off for about a week now. She has been on a steroid and antibiotic for bronchitis since the end of November. She’s eating and drinking fine. When she vomits, it’s brownish/greenish liquid. No food chunks. Sometimes clear liquid. Any tips I could try to help her feel better or something I can do to determine why she’s vomiting?



Unless she is still on steroids, which could cause vomiting, It sounds as Mia is suffering from a gastrointestinal condition, possibly an infection. it could also be due to ingestion of a foreign body material. i would recommend taking her to the vet the first chance you get, she will need to be checked first, if the vet thinks it's a simple gastrointestinal infection she will need an anti vomiting injection, antibiotics and a special food for a few days in order to get better.
