I have a dog who is sensitive to medications. Who has a flea infestation. The vet gave us comfortis, one of the reactions is seizures. He had seizures while one advantage pro. Will he have a reaction to comfortis?



Poor Brody! Comfortis is known for lowering the seizure thresh hold meaning if Brody normally has seizures, it could make him more sensitive to have them again. Since he doesn't normally have seizures and only had seizure while taking a different flea preventative, I cannot say for sure whether or this medication will cause more seizure. I can say that he is at higher risk though so proceed with caution. If you want to try a preventative that is less likely to cause seizures, I would try frontline plus. Also, be sure to treat your house and yard for fleas as the fleas live in the environment not the pet. Finally, if you haven't already I would have your vet prescribe him something for his itching like a steroid or apoquel. He likely will also need an antibiotic. I hope this helps!
