Help! I’m in remote India without a vet too near. New Labrador puppy. She is dry heaving every few minutes. Checked mouth to back of throat, nothing there. Didn’t see her eat anything she shouldn’t have, but left her alone about 5 mins. There’s a vet a long way off I can take her, or a vet that opens in 10 hours.



Poor Momo. I am concerned that she is dry heaving. I worry something could be stuck in her esophagus or further down. Check her gums to make sure they are pink. If not, then I would immediately take her to the vet as This could mean she isn’t getting enough oxygen. If her gums are pink you may see if she is willing to drink a small amount of water or eat a small amount of canned food or chicken. If not and she continues the dry heaving, then i would go ahead and take her to the vet. The vet will be able to listen to her heart and lungs and do X-rays to see if there is something lodged somewhere. I hope this helps and she starts to feel better soon.
