A stray puppy has been bitten by a bigger dog 4 days back. Due to lack of knowledge took the pet to vet after 3 days of bite. The dog has been behaving weird. Can it be infected with rabies. Cz she is given painkillers yet yells. Can’t stand for a long time. If I try lift her up to make her stand she yells in pain. She is not active at all. Plus I have another puppy too what precautions need to be taken?



Hi there and thank you for using Pet coach to address your concern. Based on your description I would suspect this is due to pain and that the pain is not being controlled well with the medications you are giving. The UK is a Rabies free country so this is less likely to be Rabies, however, not completely out of the realm of possibilities. If she is afraid of water especially ans becoming aggressive these would be red flags and I would have her examined immediately. If she is attacking anyone, I would call the police to come and get her so thst you are not injured as rabies can transmit to humans and be fatal. For now, I would recommend contacting your veterinarian to discuss more options for controlling the pain better. For now, I would keep the dogs isolated from one another and monitor for now. I hope this helps guide you in the right direction. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
