Found a dog with a hurt leg on the side of the road a couple days ago no swelling or whining when it’s touched and he runs on it no problem just elevates it when he’s done. Also he has diarrhea that is green like soup he looks to be around 6 months old so I’m afraid he might have parvo but I don’t have money to take him to the vet till Thursday will he be okay until then?



Poor Bou! He is really cute and lucky that he found you. It sounds like the leg may just be a soft tissue injury since he is willing to use it some. I would confine him and make him rest until next week. I would also leash walk him to go outside to potty. If he is running and walking on it, it will never heal. I do not recommend to give any human pain meds as most are toxic to dogs.

I would also try to feed him just plain boiled chicken (no bones) and rice for a few days to see if his diarrhea improves. I cannot say for sure if he will be okay until Thursday. If he has parvo, he could get worse. If it is just diarrhea because he has been eating trash outside, then he should be fine. Be sure to watch to ensure he is still happy, eating, drinking, and not vomiting or having blood in his diarrhea. If he starts to have any of these signs then I would try to get him to see a vet before Thursday. Parvo needs to be treated as soon as possible in order to have the best outcome. I hope this helps and he starts to feel better really soon!
