So my dog Piper has been eating trash(especially tissue paper/ toilet paper) since she was a puppy and I’ve trained her very well, she’s very smart, but whenever she gets a hold of something she knows she shouldn’t have, she gets very aggressively if you try to take it and she won’t give it up, we’ve tried many things to get her to stop(punishing her when she takes things, making loud noises to get her away from the thing so we can take it back and more) but she just won’t stop,what should I do?



I would recommend using a spray bottle filled with water and using this to spritz her in the face when she does this and make a growling noise at her to help exert dominance over her. She is taking control of the situation and until you take back control, she will continue to do this. Obedience classes can definitely help with this behavior as well so that she is more responsive to commands. I would also recommend trying a can filled with coins and shaking this at her when she exhibits this behavior. I hope this helps guide you in the right direction. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
