I have a 14 yr. old Border Collie, is still active & good health. She has a lame hind leg, not dysplasia, that was an injury as a pup. She doesn’t use it any more than she just has to. I have put an ace bandage above & below the hock, and she seems to like it. I’m wondering if maybe a supplement of magnesium would help. She also gets Glucosamine Chondroitin w/MSM, fish oil, turmeric & daily vitamin. Vet. has prescribed Rimadyl. She is wheat sensitive. Would a leg brace help?



Thanks for using PetCoach! A leg brace or magnesium are unlikely to help. The joint supplements and Rimadyl can definitely help. Another thing that I recommend is physical therapy which you may do through your veterinarian or perhaps a local physical therapy facility. Good luck!
