Daisy has a bloody muscus coming from her anal glands. This happened the other day then nothing. It happened again today mainly after she has had a poo. She’s otherwise fine eating drinking and pooing as usual. There is nt a lot of blood present and she’s not in any pain. What could be the problem ?



If you are sure the bloody mucous is coming from Daisy's anal glands then it is likely she has an anal gland infection. Usually these require veterinary care to treat so if you continue to see blood you should have Daisy examined by a veterinarian. Antibiotics and an anal gland flushing may be necessary to treat.

You can try offering Daisy some canned pumpkin to soften her stool a bit and make passing stool less uncomfortable and use an ecollar to prevent licking. However, again, if the problem persists Daisy should see a veterinarian.

Thanks for using PetCoach and I hope Daisy's issue resolves quickly!
