I’ve taken my dog to the vet for this before and they said it was due to allergies, so they prescribed medicine for her eye, she was better a couple days after. Is there a medicine I can pick up at my local pet smart, PetCo, etc.



Poor Baby! I would first start by trying benadryl and a cone collar to prevent her from rubbing it. See link below for benadryl dosing. Unfortunately, there aren't any great over the counter eye drops that will help to solve this. You can try artificial tears or even a eye lubricant like GenTeal eye ointment. You can find these at most human drug stores. If she isn't improving or ever starts to favor that eye, I would have your vet take a look at her. Your vet can make sure she doesn't have an ulcer on her eye and will be able to send her home with the proper eye drops to make her feel better. I hope this helps!

