My dog chases an animal up onto a hill in some bushes. Now the next day, she is coughing or trying to vomit without results. Not constantly, but here and there. If this will need a Vet, May I ask what procedures may be performed and maybe a rough idea as to the cost a visit of this sort may incur? Thank you.



Poor Derby! It sounds like she may be suffering from some allergies or even an upper respiratory infection. You could try benadryl first. See link below for more information on dosing. If she isn't improving or worsens, I would have your vet take a look at her. Your vet will first listen to her heart and lungs and check her temperature. If she doesn't have a fever and no fluid on her lungs, they may decide to try some antibiotics first to see how she does. If she has a fever, not eating, or has fluids on her lungs they may recommend some blood work and maybe some x-rays to ensure she doesn't have a pneumonia or something more serious. Cost varies greatly depending on the area of the US you live in. I would call the vet you plan to use and ask for the price of an exam. When you arrive, just ask them to give you an estimate of everything before it is done. Most vets are more than happy to give you prices and to help you come up with a plan that best fits your needs. I hope this helps and she starts to feel better really soon.
