I have no money to take my 5yr old female chill to a vet. And I know she needs to go but I have no money. And one ear had a dark like build up. And the other has white puss. I’m almost possitive she has an ear infection but I need help with a home remedy until I can try and find money to take her to a vet. Please help



Unfortunately, there are no "home remedies" to treat ear infections, especially one that sounds as severe as Lily's. Dogs have very long ear canals which makes treating infections difficult. She will need special antibiotic or anti-yeast medications to clear this up that you cannot buy over the counter. All you can buy over the counter is a general ear cleaner. It may help and it is definitely better than doing nothing at all. DO NOT use hydrogen peroxide, vinegar or rubbing alcohol or other recipes you can find on the internet to clean the ears. That is not recommended.

Use this cleaner. This is the best one over the counter that might actually work to battle and actual infection.


You should look at some YouTube videos on how to properly clean the ears. I would use this solution once a day. Hopefully you will notice some improvement within a few days.

My final recommendation is to try calling your local shelter. Many have low cost or free vet care options. You can also try this website that has groups that provide vet help to people that cannot afford care:



Hope this helps. Best wishes.
