My Pygmy goat has been acting lethargic and was once skittish around humans but now will let me hold him and roll him over. He’s also been seen staring facing the wall and having trouble getting up. This has been over the past few days. He has been around no other goats for those few days. He eats goat feed/alfalfa/has a berry nutrient lick. He was de-wormed at the start of this month. He also got into chicken feed about two weeks ago and got the runs but that has long past.



Lethargy is not a very specific symptom. Goats can be lethargic from almost anything. I suggest you get a vet out there to see him or take him to a vet clinic that will work on pygmy goats. Obviously this is not normal behavior for him so a veterinary exam is definitely warranted.

Is he urinating OK? A blockage in the urethra is very common in male goats and can cause lethargy. This is a serious, life-threatening issue so if he is not urinating then this is an emergency!

Here is a list of goat vets if you don't already have one you work with.

Hope this helps. Best wishes.
