Hi my 2 month green cheek conure always seems too playful or distracted about things outside the window to eat food. She or he does seem to have greater appetite when I let her out of cage to eat in the laid down gate or if I hand feed her. Buy in the middle of eatin, if I return her to the cage, the moment she gets back she will pay with her toys and not eat. She lost a few grams over last one month. What’s wrong?



Hi and thank you for this question,
This sounds more like a behavioral issue rather than a medical one. GC conures are playful birds by nature, so I'm not sure there is a problem. Also, very young birds often lose some weight as they mature and become more active. I would continue to watch YaYa's weight using an accurate gram scale and see if there is a persistant weight loss or just fluctuations. If he continues to lose weight a vet exam is indicated.
