At 5am my dog puked 7 times. The first three times were all food and then he drank water and threw that up twice and then twice was bile. My vet in town said to watch to see if he can poop and watch his behaviors for the rest of the day. He is still crazy and wild and also “kind of” pooped. I say kind of because it was a very small poop compared to his normal ones. He is eating now (after I took his food/water away for 12 hours) Should I still be worried?



If he's not vomiting anymore and is otherwise acting normal, then I would not be worried. Make sure to only feed a little food (1/2 cup) at a time, because a big meal could make him feel like vomiting again.

It's not uncommon for dog to just get an upset stomach and feel better later, so hopefully this is the case for Norman. If he continues to vomit, or has diarrhea later on, then it may be worth checking in with the vet again.

For more information, I recommend reading the short article at the link below.

I hope that helps and all is well with Norman.
