Mack has had a cough for about a week now. I figured that it was just kennel cough and he would get over it he vomited yesterday right when he woke up but he has been relatively fine. However starting this afternoon he has had diarrhea 3 times. He has made it outside so far but we are worried that it may actually be something more. His diarrhea doesn’t seem to be a weird color or have anything weird in it but we are concerned nonetheless. He has also been fairly lethargic this afternoon.



If Mack has a cough along with the vomiting an diarrhea, then I would definitely be concerned about a more widespread infection. One type of infection that is particularly concerning with puppies is Canine Distemper Virus. This disease can start out with signs of an upper respiratory infection and/or diarrhea, then gets much worse.

Either way, I think there is enough concern with his current condition that a visit to the vet is warranted sometime soon. It doesn't appear to be an emergency, but it's best to have him evaluated in the next 24 hours.

You can help with the diarrhea by feeding bland food (boneless chicken and rice is good). Feed small portions (1/2 cup or less) three times a day. You can also add probiotics to the food (can get this at the pet store), which has demonstrated some efficacy for improving diarrhea. Ensure fresh, clean water is always available. You can also add rehydration salts, or pedialyte to the water to help ensure he stays hydrated.

I hope this helps and Mack gets better soon.
