My dog has had 2 seizures in the last 24 hours. No previous history. No access to toxins. Very terrifying. We last night suggested bloodwork, MRI etc and leaving her there. I can’t afford all of those tests. She is pit/lab and is 8 years old. Any thoughts.



If the seizures continue it is best to keep a log, what she was doing before it happened, how long the seizure lasted, and how long until she was normal again. This can possibly give an indication of when one is coming and if there are any triggers. At her age, blood work is a minimum to make sure her body can handle the seizure medication and to make sure there is not something like a low blood sugar causing them as this as a different treatment. Most people do not pursue further testing such as an MRI but it does show a brain tumor as the cause. You can talk to your vet about starting medicine to see if it helps as the case with epilepsy. With a brain tumor, it is unlikely to slow them down and that trial alone can help provide insight to the cause of the seizures.
