Today my 1.5 year old Australian Shepherd has been very lethargic, sleeping soundly the whole morning and also the whole evening. However, when I took him to the park, he tore around like a crazed puppy for more than 30 minutes. When we returned he was slow to eat his dinner and hasn’t had much to drink either. He ate a piece of food he found by the road this morning as well as some feces in the park, but has no vomiting or diarrhea. Just lethargic (exception of the park.) Should I be worried?



Cooper may be feeling a bit off, but it doesn't seem too concerning yet. Dogs can sometimes have a mild infection, or upset stomach that makes them feel like this. It's always possible that this is the start to a more concerning infection, but it's difficult to tell without evaluating him further.

For now, it's good to just monitor Cooper. If this same change in behavior continues or gets worse in the next 2-3 days, then it would be good to take him to the vet for an exam.

Otherwise, make sure he has plenty of water and feed as normal. It's good to give him some time to run around, but don't push him to exercise more than he wants.

I hope that helps and all is well with Cooper.
