He wakes up from a dead sleep screaming as if he’s in pain. He’ll try to move but you can tell he’s in pain. His ears are laid back, he tries to avoid laying down, panting and wants to be alone. I have no idea what to do for him



Poor guy. It is posible Diesel is having a bad dream. Dogs do dream even though people don't realize this. If he is only screaming after being asleep, and it isn't happening any other time while he is awake, then this is likely bad dreams. If he is limping and painful when completely awake, then he needs to be evaluted by your vet to find out the source of the pain and pursue treatment.
The good news is that as he gets older these dreams should be less frequent and less scary for him as he matures. Just try to calmly talk to him to soothe him back to sleep when he does have a nightmare. Otherwise continue on your daily routine and show Diesel lots of fun activities to do to make his life as happy as it can be. Best wishes with Diesel and managing his nightmares. Take care.
