Is this a tick that I need to pull off on my dog’s lip? We are traveling and have no vet access.



Thank you for using PetCoach! While that does look like it could be a tick, it is difficult to see from the photo. Ticks are also usually found in haired areas of skin rather than the lips. Because it is not clear what this is, I do not recommend removing it from Charlie yourself. Especially because of the proximity to the mouth and possibility that Charlie may bite if painful. If this is truly a tick, Charlie should be seen by a vet, as ticks can transmit Lyme disease and other blood parasites, and he may need to be put on prophylactic antibiotics. If this is a mass, your vet can elect to remove it under light sedation or anesthesia and send it off to lab as a biopsy. I recommend having Charlie seen by a vet as soon as you are able to and hope all is well!
