Hello, 8 year old German Shepherd has a lump under skin on right side for few years. Never bothered him and was told common. Over last 2 days it has started to ooze and bleed lightly. Still does not bother him to touch as we cleaned it with a wet napkin. He has lost hair In the area. No change in eating habits, playfulness, energy or any other symptoms. Attached are few pictures



I'm glad to hear that Boss does not seem to be bothered by this lesion. Lumps and bumps are quite common in dogs, particularly as they age. This could be a benign or malignant mass or a cyst that has become irritated from scratching or getting caught on something. Since the lesion is now bleeding and oozing, it is at a risk for becoming infected. I recommend taking Boss to his vet for an exam since this lesion has changed. He may need a course of antibiotics and may also need to have this lesion surgically removed. Until you can get to the vet, keep an e-collar (cone) on him to prevent him from licking or chewing at this lesion, as this could make matters worse. Even though he does not seem to be bothered by it at this point, he may very well lick or chew when left alone. You can also gently clean this lesion with diluted antiseptic solutions, such as chlorhexidine or betadine. I hope this helps and that all goes well for Boss!
