We got adopted a sick cat from out local shelter. After vet visits and medication and diet change he is better health wise, however he is mean. He attacks our legs and feet, bites often, and will lick for 2 seconds then bite. He nibbles on legs and feet for no reason. He terrifies my one son, and my other is so calm and patient and tries so hard, but tj3 cat still attacks him too. I have tri3d spray bottl3, being stern, grabbing back of neck and being stern but there is no improvement.



Sounds like Dusty needs to learn how to play nice! Visit humanesociety.org/animals/cats/tips/kitten_play.html for information on how to get Dusty to play gently. Also make sure Dusty has a home environment that promotes enrichment and reduces stress. Cats need at least one litterbox per cat plus one extra to help reduce stress associated with the litterbox. They should be placed in separate rooms, away from the food and water bowls, must be scooped at least daily (preferably multiple times a day)and washed out at least weekly with a mild soap, followed by thorough rinsing. Cats need a lot of space to explore, but keeping them indoors is much safer than letting them outside, due to the risk of injury from cars, wildlife, other animals, etc. The key is providing space (particularly vertical space for climbing, such as cat trees, ledges, and the like) inside the home. Visit veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=T&C=33&S=2 and indoorpet.osu.edu// for tips on stress reduction. Also look into Feliway, a synthetic pheromone that is available in a diffuser and spray form that promotes calm feelings in cats feliway.com.
