20 year old male, diagnosed 2nd stage kidney failure/hypertension March 2015. Takes adlodepine 7.5 nightly. Hasn’t been adherent due to cost. Vet visit about 3/4 months ago. No changes, blood pressure was high so increased dose to 7.5. Came home today and found on living room floor on side drolling slightly from left side. Can’t seem to walk or move. Picked up was uncomfortable on one side. Put on floor couldn’t stand. Seems to curl to one side and lay down. Gave dose. No changes. Fed/ate.



Oh my. Poor guy. It sounds like his condition is possibly not being managed as well as it once was. Drooling and lethargy can indicate that his kidney enzymes are elevated once again and causing toxins to circulate throughout his bloodstream. This can cause drooling and lethargy like Virtue is displaying. It can also cause vomiting. Another possibility is that Vietue may have an underlying vestibular disease (a neurological disorder that causes imabalance and nausea and can be self limiting within a week or two).

However if this is just busy kidney disease acting up, he is currently at he point of uncontrolled kidney disease, because as you probably already know kidney disease cannot be cured but only managed as long as feasibly possible.

I would highly recommend getting his kidney values reassessed right away. Virtue may also need to be placed on a prescription diet and additional medication such as Azodyl to see if his kidney values can be managed better. Azodyl is actually available online so you can order that now with a simple google search. The kidney diet will require a prescription card from your vet. I hope that this helps get Vitrues disorder better managed for a while. Best of luck to you and take care.
